Camo is very special. We made leather with our Italian factory and lots of effort. Camofraz pattern has been popular in luxury brands for many years and is still one of the products that are selling well. So special! I applied the camo strap, which I could not see before, to this Apple location. I was so curious about how the product would come out at the time of making the sample and I am so happy that the product is beautiful than I thought. I would like to express my design introduction to the camo strap as a new beginning and a new change.
Wax canvas strap Existing from various leather straps ... It is a material chosen by considering the consumer's lifestyle to require a slightly lighter and more fashionable design through observation.
Because it is light in weight, it is easy to work because it has little feeling when worn, and it has a simple waterproof function so that it can be safely used even in heavy drink such as coffee or tee which is drinking recently.
Wax canvas strap Existing from various leather straps ... It is a material chosen by considering the consumer's lifestyle to require a slightly lighter and more fashionable design through observation.
Because it is light in weight, it is easy to work because it has little feeling when worn, and it has a simple waterproof function so that it can be safely used even in heavy drink such as coffee or tee which is drinking recently.